Compliance program
In its mission statement, code of conduct and compliance commitment, thyssenkrupp has given a clear commitment that it will comply with internal and external laws and regulations. This obligation applies to all companies, managers and employees.
Specific areas of risk are covered by the compliance program, for which the Legal & Compliance group function is responsible. This is based on three elements: “inform and advise”, “identify” and “report and act”.
This program is closely interlinked with risk management and with our internal control system. In this way we ensure that compliance is an integral component of every single business process. The key areas of the program are anticorruption, antitrust law, data compliance, anti-money laundering, and trade compliance.
In addition, the Compliance function acts as groupwide advisor, coordinator and consolidator to the organizational units that are directly responsible for the so-called further compliance topics such as occupational safety, use of contractors, equal treatment, information security, supplier compliance and environmental protection. Substantive responsibility in these areas remains with the competent corporate group functions or the relevant segment. This ensures that in all areas of the company compliance is understood in accordance with the thyssenkrupp mission statement, an intensive exchange of knowledge takes place between the Compliance function and those responsible for content, and the resultant synergies in organization, processes and methods are utilized. It also means that the Compliance function works with the responsible contact persons in the functions to adapt the reporting system and responsibilities for the respective topics.
The three pillars of our compliance program