Two levels of co-determination

Two levels of co-determination

Codetermination at thyssenkrupp

In general, close cooperation based on trust with employee representatives is characteristic of thyssenkrupp. In this context it is important to know that employee co-determination in Germany is governed by the Works Constitution Act. At thyssenkrupp this is implemented at two levels:

  • In the businesses of thyssenkrupp (business level), the interests of employees are represented by the local works councils or central works councils.

  • At the level of the corporate group (Group level) we maintain an active social partnership with the Group Works Council (KBR).

In addition, we exchange views on various topics with the respective specialist committees of the KBR and jointly draw up works agreements and guidelines that affect entire thyssenkrupp.

Under the terms of corporate co-determination, the interests of employees are represented on the Supervisory Board of thyssenkrupp AG in accordance with the statutory provisions by the representation of ten employees (including one person representing senior executives). This means that the employee representatives make up half the members of the Supervisory Board. The other ten members are representatives of the stockholders.

European Works Council (EWC)

European Works Council (EWC)

The European Works Council (EWC) is the body for social dialogue and the representation of employees' interests at European level. On the basis of the "Agreement on European Dialogue and the Information and Consultation of Employees in the European Group Companies", we inform the EWC in advance of significant operational changes, provided they have a transnational dimension. Members of the Executive Board regularly attend EWC meetings and are available for explanations and discussions. In addition to the requirements of the Works Constitution Act, we have set up works council working groups at segment level, whose members are regularly informed about segment-specific issues.

Employee opinion surveys are among the most important tools for developing our corporate culture transparently and credibly. For this reason a thyssenkrupp wide annual employee survey was introduced at thyssenkrupp in fiscal year 2020/21 - the so-called "Employee Pulse Check". In this short survey employees answer questions on their general satisfaction and on the success factors of change, leadership, culture and communication. All employees who work in a company that participates in the survey can take part. In 2024 this was 99 percent of all employees at thyssenkrupp. The participation rate of our employees in May 2024 was 59 percent, an improvement of 4 percentage points on the previous year's participation.
  • 97%

    of all employees at thyssenkrupp were able to take part

  • 55%

    participation rate

  • Innumerable

    insights gained / meaningful results obtained


of all employees at thyssenkrupp were able to take part


participation rate


insights gained / meaningful results obtained

Working time – an important element for the protection of employees

Working time – an important element for the protection of employees

Working time – an important element for the protection of employees

In the thyssenkrupp Code of Conduct and in the International Framework Agreement, thyssenkrupp has undertaken to comply with national legislation and minimum human rights standards – also with regard to the organization of working hours for employees worldwide.

Working time at thyssenkrupp is regulated locally, based on national laws and collective agreements along with operational requirements – operating a steel mill requires other working time regulations than, for example, planning and building a hydrogen production facility.

At thyssenkrupp, working time is associated with more than just presence and absence at the workplace: Flexible time management for a better work-life balance or for manage workload on the shop floor – working time models based on flextime or part-time are established at thyssenkrupp. In addition, the flexible and fair organization of working time is an ongoing process. Examples of this are the expansion of home office work and the associated hybrid working, the closely related trust-based working time, or the alignment of working hours in the electrical and metal industry in eastern and western Germany.

Around 65% of all thyssenkrupp companies are subject to collective agreements (collective bargaining agreements, company agreements or similar) which lead to an improvement in working conditions compared with the respective national statutory standard – also with regard to working time. At the remaining 35% of thyssenkrupp companies, we also ensure compliance with legal standards internally via human resources management or compliance. If thyssenkrupp companies operate in countries, which have no statutory minimum standards on working hours, compliance with the ILO Core Labor Standards is ensured via the International Framework Agreement.