The fiscal year of thyssenkrupp AG commences on October 1 and ends on September 30
Current events
14.01.2025 - 13.02.2025
Closed Period
Board members and other persons with management duties are prohibited from trading in financial instruments of the thyssenkrupp Group during this period.
21.01.2025 - 12.02.2025
Quiet Period
For an appropriate period of time prior to the publication of quarterly or annual statements, thyssenkrupp Investor Relations limits its dialogue with the capital market.
Interim report 1st quarter 2024/2025 (October to December)
15.04.2025 - 15.05.2025
Closed Period
Board members and other persons with management duties are prohibited from trading in financial instruments of the thyssenkrupp Group during this period.
22.04.2025 - 14.05.2025
Quiet Period
For an appropriate period of time prior to the publication of quarterly or annual statements, thyssenkrupp Investor Relations limits its dialogue with the capital market.
Interim report 1st half 2024 / 2025 (October to March)
15.07.2025 - 14.08.2025
Closed Period
Board members and other persons with management duties are prohibited from trading in financial instruments of the thyssenkrupp Group during this period.
18.07.2025 - 13.08.2025
Quiet Period
For an appropriate period of time prior to the publication of quarterly or annual statements, thyssenkrupp Investor Relations limits its dialogue with the capital market.